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Where to fish.
Club waters extend from the Fork Bridge on the Cushendall Road east of Broughshane to Currell's Bridge near Ballymena ( about 7 miles ). Please note you will need a current DAERA rod licence together with a Club Membership Card or Day Ticket.
First time visitors will probably find the "village stretch" between the Knockan and Tullymore Bridges in Broughshane a convenient place to start. There is easy access via a concrete path and car parking adjacent both bridges. For these reasons this stretch is particularly suited to anglers with disabilities. There are four stands for disabled anglers and the Club is registered with the British Disabled Angling Association.

Club Rules.
Season 1st. March - 31st. October.
Sunday fishing permitted between Knockan and Tullymore Bridges in Broughshane only and is reserved for Club Members.
No float fishing*; no ground bait, bread, shrimp or prawn.
Spinning permitted throughout season on single hook only.
Bag limit 2 trout in any one day.
Minimum take size 9ins. ( 230mm ) from nose to V of tail.
All salmon catch and release and no treble hooks used.
Licences and permits to be produced on request.
No dogs allowed on or near river.
No litter or waste line to be left on banks.
Gates to be closed and stiles used.
No damage to fences or property.
No obstruction by vehicles.
*Because fly fishing has undergone some diversification in recent years it has become necessary to clarify our definition of "float". As of the start of the 2022 season - " A float is any device used to present a bait, lure, nymph or fly at a set depth in the water column".

Please note that, before you fish, you must be in possession of a valid DAERA rod licence in addition to your Club Membership Card or Day Ticket. Additional information on Day Tickets available on the "Join Us" page.
New anglers can apply online for a rod licence at the Department of the Environment and Rural Affairs ( DAERA ) website.
Alternatively, rod licences can often be purchased at local tackle shops.
Anyone with good photos of the river or fish caught can have them included in the gallery by sending them to the Club Secretary.

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