Our AGM will take place on Thursday January 09th 2025 in the Flax Room, Houston's Mill, Broughshane starting 7:30pm sharp. Any Notices of Motion must be in writing ( post or email ) to the Secretary, and received no later than 14 days prior to the meeting.
The AGM represents an opportunity to raise concerns and instigate change, and we would encourage as many voting ( ie local ) members to attend.

A full list of the current fees is available on the "Join us" page. Payment is by post to the Treasurer ( no house calls please ) and can be cash or cheque. Cheques payable to "Braid Angling Club". You must enclose your membership card and a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of the updated card.
Important - To provide our insurers with an accurate membership count we must ask that fees are paid before March 1st. We are prepared to observe a short grace period, but if payment is not received by March 15th we will assume that membership has been terminated. Lapsed members will lose the right to fish Club waters, except on Day Ticket. If wishing to rejoin, fresh application must be made for the following season. Please be aware that once membership is terminated we are bound, under the terms of GDPR, not to retain personal information indefinitely. This also means that all official Club communications will cease. Again, because of the need to finalise our numbers early in the season, we will not be accepting new applications after March 1st.

Giant Hogweed has become established on the River Braid and all anglers and other river users should be aware of this dangerous plant. It can be distinguished from the similar common hogweed and cow parsley as it grows much bigger - between 3 and 5 metres tall. Any sightings should be reported through the nidirect government website
Giant Hogweed sap can cause severe swelling and blistering of skin which can persist for a long time and is greatly exacerbated by exposure to sunlight. Therefore, keep well away and do not be tempted to cut or crush the plant as this will release sap. If you come into contact with the plant -
Cover the affected skin immediately and avoid sun exposure.
Wash the skin with cold water.
If there is blistering or if contact is with the eyes you should seek medical advice.