Application forms can be requested from the Club Secretary, Paul Gault, preferably by e-mail.
Alternatively, download a copy by clicking on the image of the application form below.
All applications must be approved by the Committee. Successful applicants are asked to provide a SAE , passport sized photo and appropriate fee in order to receive their Membership Card. Annual fee are as follows -
Local Adult Member £30 per annum.
Associate Adult Member £35 per annum.
Junior Member £5 per annum.
Senior Citizen £5 per annum.
New member additional joining fee £10. ( Not applicable to new Junior Members ).
Disabled Member free of charge.
If paying by cheque please make payable to "Braid Angling Club".
Day tickets available from -
James McNeill Hardware, 72 Main St. Broughshane, Tel. 028 2586 1629.
Mid Antrim Angling Centre, 14 William St. Ballymena, Tel. 028 2564 8159.
Day tickets are available throughout the season, but the Club reserves the right to withdraw them from sale at any time to ease fishing pressure on salmon and dollaghan. Day tickets are £5 per person from March 1st to June 30th and £10 from July 1st to October 31st.
Local - Resident within 10 mile radius of Broughshane.
Associate - Resident outside 10 miles.
Junior - Under 16.
Senior Citizen - Over 65 and paid last 5 years.
Disabled - Must be registered disabled.
Please note - Fees must be paid before the start of the season ( March 1st. ). Members who have not renewed by 14 days after this date may be deemed to have left the club and must make fresh application if wishing to rejoin.