The river is in spate today so to alleviate the boredom I've been going through some old photos. A Club Committee member gave me an old newspaper cutting from circa 1967 which I had scanned into my computer. The picture is from an article about a club competition and I'm sure some of you might recognise the competitors. Interestingly, we have managed to track down quite a few trophies from those contests of yore and we would like to display them somewhere. I hope to do a piece on that when we get them all together.
Hmm, not too many high tech carbon rods and fancy breathable chest waders back then! What do you bet they caught more fish?

I'm a fairly recent convert to fishing but my kid brother, Jimmy, has been into it for yonks and finally got me hooked a few years ago. We grew up on the banks of the Bann in Coleraine and it was here that Jim and his pals did most of their fishing. Back in the eighties I developed my own monochrome prints and one day snapped one of Jim's mates silhouetted against the bright water. The shot wasn't staged, it just happened that way and remains one of my favourite fishing images.

I don't know who the angler is in this shot but it was taken a distance downstream from the Cutts near Castleroe outside Coleraine. Back then salmon counts were apparently much higher and I remember watching them go over the weir. Probably why the nearby Salmon Leap pub was so named!