Hallowe'en has arrived and heralds the end of the 2019 season. Overall it has been an improvement on last year with the dreaded summer drought failing to materialize. In fact, water levels rarely dropped too low with plenty of little spates to liven up the fish. Water quality was excellent and the river frequently flowed gin clear. My overall impression was that the trout were in somewhat better condition than the previous season even though fish of take size upwards were rare - for me at least.
Salmon made a welcome early appearance in July with significant numbers observed jumping the weir at Sainsbury's in Ballymena and Acheson's Carry upstream from Broughshane. Several were caught in club water as detailed in a previous blog. So far I have had little feedback on Dollaghan catches so if anyone has information and even some photos I would certainly appreciate them.

All that remains now is to hang up the waders and put the rods into hibernation. Night has fallen and already I hear the crackle and bang of fireworks in the distance. Soon the trick or treaters will be knocking on my door.....
