All in all it wasn't the most epic fishing season; a cold, dry spring giving way to a hot, dry summer ensured that the river fell to ridiculously low levels. I've seen it low before but this time I could literally walk from bank to bank in several places without getting my feet wet. Needless to say, the fishing took a back seat to other activities for much of the time. A knock on effect of the drought was that our salmon didn't start arriving in any numbers until well into September; although I have a reliable account of a decent fish caught in August.
However, when we eventually did get water, after much rain dancing and offerings to the river gods, the salmon and dollaghan came in droves eager to get to their spawning grounds. The only downside was that they seemed unusually shy of fly or lure; at least to me. I only managed one small fish of a couple of pounds, but some of my dusk to dawn compadres accounted for a number of salmon between 5 to 10 pounds; not forgetting a specimen rumoured at 12. Several dollaghan of around 4 pounds were also reported. One morning I bumped into one of our members walking along the riverbank looking glum and shaking his head. He explained that a salmon had taken his Flying - C, dragged him all over the river, then broke him off. "I've never felt power like it", he said; before dejectedly heading home. This was from a very experienced salmon and sea angler, so I've no cause to doubt him. It might have been something of record for this neck of the woods. Whets your appetite - doesn't it?

I'd like to think that the good salmon runs we've been experiencing on the Braid will continue. Even compared to some of our sister rivers it's doing well, and I can't help surmising that it might at least partly be due to the habitat enhancement project we completed several years ago. Back then we deepened some pools and put in groynes and armouring. Spawning gravel and cobble were also laid in strategic places. Making good on our investment, perhaps?
As I write this we await the next surge in the Covid-19 pandemic with the Omicron variant threatening to trash Christmas and our planned AGM in January - we just have to wait and see. Keep an eye on the "News and Event" page of the website for updates. As I'm soon officially to graduate from middle to old age ( happy thought ) I'd like to steer clear of the bug even though I've vaccine oozing out of my pores. This will mean that my wife and I, like a couple of dormice, will now be going into hibernation for the rest of the winter. Night, night everyone - see y'all in spring.